Sometimes your period may have started even though you do not have a pad on you yet, which can cause a stain on your clothes.
Sometimes your period may have started even though you do not have a pad on you yet, which can cause a stain on your clothes.
Just like in your daily life, you should pay a lot of attention to hygiene during the period.
There are so many moments in life that astounds us. They say that life is not the sum of the breaths we take but the moments that take our breath away.
Having your period does not have to be torture! Every day of our lives is precious, and the days we spend menstruating are equivalent to 10% of our entire lives. So yes, it would be better for us if it was comfortable and enjoyable.
During period days, our skin can change a lot. Sometimes it gets oily and causes acne. Periodically it dries out. Our skin acts independently of us.
One of the most common problems that we all have is that we feel bad during the period.
We have all become masters of yoga lately. We go to yoga studios, take online classes and even collect certificates to become yoga teachers.
Period occupies such a great place in women's lives that naturally, many urban legends are told on the subject. We all know these superstitions from our first period.